Change Email Password: Difference between revisions

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Email passwords are encrypted and cannot be seen by staff. If you have lost your password you will need to change it on our control pages. Here's how:
{{CPbox|#Click on the line you want to view
You can then click the link to change your password.
#Click on Graph, or the 'View Usage' button}}
#Click on the 'Email: Setup' link to the right of your domain
==2) Log in with your ADSL credentials==
##This page will allow tyou to add new mailboxes and also edit existing ones.
You can log in Clueless (via [ this page]) with you main '@a' login, and edit the Mailbox under the Email Setup link. e.g.:
##Click on the Mailbox (email address) of the account you wish to change
##Enter in a new password, and optionally a reminder
##Click OK
#You can now use this new password to access your email.