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Getting CQM Graphs

This is a quick example of getting cqm graphs from CHAOS.

In short, the Info command is used to get the graph URLs. The HTML provides a form to enter the credentials


<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang='en'>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
<script src='chaosgraphs.js'></script>

<form id='login'>
<input type='text' name='username' placeholder='username' autofocus />
<input type='password' name='password' placeholder='password' />
<input type='submit' value='Login' />

<hr />

<div id='results'></div>



var gxml = new Array(); //Xml for plotting graphs

//Go through each graph div and plot it's graph
function plotgraphs()
 $("div.graph").each(function() {
  var graph = $(this).attr("graph");
  var url = $(this).attr("url");
  var units = $(this).attr("units");
  var pwidth = $(this).parent().width();
  $.ajax({url: url, dataType: "xml", complete: function(data) {
   gxml[graph] = $.xml2json(data.responseXML,true);
   var html = "";
   for(var j = 0; j < gxml[graph].dataset.length; j++) {
    html+="<div class='legenditem' style='border-left: 5px solid #"+colors[j]+";'><label for='legend-"+gxml[graph].d;

   //Create legend

   //Plot each graph

   //Display precise data on hover
   $("div.graph[graph='"+graph+"']").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
    if(item) {
     var html = "<div class='datapoint' style='top: 20px; right: 50px;'>";
     if(units == 'B' || units == 'b') { html+=mega(item.datapoint[1])+units; }
     else if(units != undefined) { html+=item.datapoint[1]+units; }
     else { html+=item.datapoint[1]; }

   //Show/Hide data when the legend items are clicked
   $("input.legend[type='checkbox'][graph='"+graph+"']").unbind("change").change(function() {
    var checked = $(this).attr("checked");
    var graph = $(this).attr("graph");
    if($("input.legend[type='checkbox'][graph='"+graph+"']:checked").length == 0 ) { $(this).attr("checked","true");}
    else { myplot(graph); }


function myplot(graph)
 var mode = '';
 var bwidth = $("div.graph[graph='"+graph+"']").attr("width");
 if(bwidth == 'hour') { bwidth = 60*60*1000; }
 else if(bwidth == 'day') { bwidth = 60*60*24*1000; }
 else if(bwidth == 'week') { bwidth = 60*60*24*7*1000; }
 else if(bwidth == 'month') { bwidth = 60*60*24*30*1000; }
 var format = $("div.graph[graph='"+graph+"']").attr("format");
 if(format == undefined) { format = ''; } else { mode = 'time'; }
 var bars = '';
 if($("div.graph[graph='"+graph+"']").attr("type") == 'bars') { bars = true; }

 var gdata = new Array();
 for(var j = 0; j < gxml[graph].dataset.length; j++) {
  if($("input.legend[type='checkbox'][id='legend-"+gxml[graph].dataset[j].title+"']").attr("checked") != undefined) {
   var gjson = new Array();
   for(var i = 0; i < gxml[graph].dataset[j].data.length; i++) {
    if(mode == 'time') { gjson[i] = [Date.parse(gxml[graph].dataset[j].data[i].x),gxml[graph].dataset[j].data[i].y];}
    else { gjson[i] = [gxml[graph].dataset[j].data[i].x,gxml[graph].dataset[j].data[i].y]; }
   gdata.push({label: gxml[graph].dataset[j].title, data: gjson, color: "#"+colors[j]});

  xaxis: {
   mode: mode,
   timeformat: format,
  yaxis: {
   tickFormatter: mega,
  legend: {
   show: false,
   backgroundOpacity: 1,
  bars: {
   barWidth: bwidth,
   show: bars,
   fill: bars,
  grid: {
   hoverable: true,

$(document).ready(function() {