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This is the support site for Andrews & Arnold Ltd, a UK Internet provider. Information on these pages is generally for our customers but may be useful to others, enjoy!

Router - TG582N: Difference between revisions

You may then need to:
== WAN Access Restrictions (HTTP/TELNET to the Router)==
==Restrict access to HTTP interface:==
service system ipadd name=HTTP ip=
service system ipadd name=HTTP ip=
service system ipadd name=HTTPs ip=
service system ipadd name=HTTPs ip=
to view settings:
service system list name=HTTP expand=enabled
service system list name=HTTPs expand=enabled
You should then see the IP(s) in 'Ip Access List'
Save the settings:
==Restrict access to TELNET interface: ==
You may wish to be able to telnet in to the router from the LAN and the WAN, but only from certain IP addresses
(add your LAN block first!)
service system ipadd name=TELNET ip=YOUR.LAN.BLOCK/MASK
service system ipadd name=TELNET ip=
service system ipadd name=TELNET ip=
Note: are AAISP offices, and are an AAISP server block - this will allow AAISP to log in to the router.
to view settings:
service system list name=TELNET expand=enabled
Save the settings:
To later delete the restriction:
service system ipdelete name=HTTP ip=
==Disable WAN access to HTTP/Telnet:==
This will disable WAN and LAN access to the router
To disable WAN access to HTTP, HTTPS and telnet:
service system ifdelete name=HTTP group=wan
service system ifdelete name=HTTPs group=wan
service system ifdelete name=TELNET group=wan
To view the settings:
service system list name=HTTP expand=enabled
service system list name=TELNET expand=enabled
It should say:
Interface Group Access List lan
Save the settings:
autoreview, Bureaucrats, editor, Interface administrators, reviewer, Administrators
