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This is the support site for Andrews & Arnold Ltd, a UK Internet provider. Information on these pages is generally for our customers but may be useful to others, enjoy!

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==ADSL Related==
=='''<big><big>General Terms related to AAISP</big></big>'''==
;21CN:21st Century Network.
;TAM:Test Access Module
;ALG:Application Layer Gateway - typically software in a router to try to help with VoIP calls, often needing to be disabled.
;Bonding:Bonding more than one broadband line.
;BT:British Telecom.
;BTOR:British Telecom Openreach.
;BTW:BT Wholesale.
;CDR:Call Detail Records - Call logs.
;CIDR:Classless inter-domain routing. The /24 (IPv4) and /32 (IPv6).
;Circuit ID:The ID for the line when talking to carriers. i.e. BBEU or FTTC.
;CLI:Caller Line Identification (re telephony).
;CLI:Command Line Interface.
;Copper Pair:ADSL and VDSL lines ‘piggy back’ off of the copper pair. This is the ‘phone line’ - two copper wires twisted together.
;CQM:Constant Quality Monitoring - the name given to the monitoring graphs used on the control pages and FireBricks. Customers and staff can view these graphs in near real time and historical graphs. It’s updated every 100 seconds. Sends an LCP echo every second (a bit like a PING).
;DHCP:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Makes sure your computer has the IP address and other network config when you’re online.
;DNS:Domain Name System/Server. Translates domain name to an IP address to have an internet location.
;Domain:Text/written address of an IP address. DNS translates this to an IP address to be understood by a computer.
;Download/Upload:Receiving data over the internet/Sending data to another system over the internet.
;DS:Delegation Signer (The record used to identify the DNSSEC signing key of a delegated zone).
;EMI:Electro-Magnetic Interference. Disturbance from electronic sources. Can also be from sun, northern lights and thunderstorms.
;Ethernet:Cable to connect device directly to the router – gives much quicker and more accurate speeds.
;FireBrick:The FireBrick is a router, bonding box and traffic shaper. It can act as a SIP PBX, VPN tunnel endpoint and concentrator. Most commonly it is used as a general purpose network appliance in office environments, but many small ISPs/ITSPs also use them in core network situations.
;Gigaset:Model of VOIP handset sold by AAISP.
;Hostname:Used in association with domain name. E.g. support.aa.net.uk.
;IDN:Internationalised Domain Name.
;IP:Internet Protocol.
;IPv4:IPv4 is the most widely used version of the Internet Protocol. It defines IP addresses in a 32-bit format, which looks like IPv4 allows 4,294,967,296 addresses to be used (2^32).
;IPv6:IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses, which increases the number of possible addresses by an exponential amount. They are typically written in this format: hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh:hhhh
Each "hhhh" section consists of a four-digit hexadecimal number, which means each digit can be from 0 to 9 and from A to F. IPv6 allows for over 340,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 IP addresses.
;ISP:Internet Service Provider.
;LAN:Local Area Network.
;Latency:The delay in transmitting data/processing data, sending a packet and seeing how long it takes to return. e.g. a PING from terminal.
;LCP:Link Control Protocol.
;Legacy IP:See IPv4.
;LNS:A bridge between carrier and ISP. E.g. BT and AAISP.
;Logs/Notes:Where we log information and history in regards to the circuit or service.
;Loop Fault:The two wires that makeup the line are in contact with each other and are causing a loop.
;MRU:Maximum Receive Unit.
;MSO:Major Service Outage - some sort of fault that will be affecting lots of customers - should be on https://aastatus.net.uk.
;MTU:Maximum Transmission Unit. The size of packets that can be received. If a computer has a lower MTU than it’s data recipient, it will resend again using smaller packets.
;Nameserver:Servers that hold information on a regustered domain. E.g. primary-dns.co.uk (main)/secondary-dns.co.uk (backup).
;Open DNS:A company that has DNS for anyone. E.g. Can set up parental advisory blocks for children’s usage.
;OSI:Opens systems interconnection model. Explains functions of computing systems communications.
;Packet loss:Bits of information split into ‘packets’ to send from one IP address to another, in order to find the fastest route. Packets aren’t formed properly when a link is full, causing packet loss.
;PEIN:Prolonged electrical impulse noise. Random bursts. SNR spikes, BIT errors.
;Port:All data transmitted over the internet is sent and received using a specific set of commands, also known as a protocol. Each protocol is assigned a specific port number. For example, all website data transferred over HTTP uses port 80. Data sent over HTTPS uses port 443.
;PPP:Point to point protocol. Enables communication and data transfer between two points (nodes). PPPoE – way to connect to internet using DSL modem. Uses TCP, UDP or IP to transfer data over internet.
;PSTN:Public switched telephone network. Circuit telephone network. Uses underground copper wires. AAISP do not use copper lines as traditional ‘phone line’. FTTP does not use PSTN as it is solely fibre optic cables.
;Quota:‘Data allowance’.
;REIN:Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise. Can cause broadband line to perform below it’s expected performance. Can cause frequent loss of ADSL signal from the exchange.
;RFI:Radio Frequency Interference. Can be picked up by nearby wireless devices.
;RIPE:The Réseaux IP Européens Network - the organisation in Europe who manage IP addresses.
;Server:Computer that provides data to other computers. Serves data to LAN and WAN. Different servers run software specific to the purpose of the server.
;SFI:Special faults investigation. Engineer visit. If no fault found then £160 fee will be charged. Must make sure all appropriate tests have been ran first.
;SHINE:Single High Level Impulse Noise Event. A single brief burst of noise. Will show as a single sharp spike on CQM graphs. Can cause the line to drop enough to cause a re-sync.
;SIM:Subscriber Identity Module.
;SIP: Session Initiation Protocol.
SIP – Sets up phone call.
RTP – Real-Time Transport. These two protocols run VOIP.
;SIP2SIM:VOIP over a SIM card.
;SNOM:Model of VOIP phone sold by AAISP.
;Sync Rate:DSL connection rate. The PHYSICAL speed of the connection between your router and local telephone exchange.
;TCP/UDP:Transmission Control Protocol. Determines how to break down packets, sends them and resends when there is errors.
;Terminal:Command lines or consoles. Carry out tasks without a graphical user interface.
;Throughput:Amount of data going through a single connection per second (speed). Expressed in KB/s, MB/s, GB/s.
;TR-069:Protocol for managing network equipment. TR-069 is what configures AAISP’s routers, phones etc.
;Traffic:Activity on the network/line.
;TTW:TalkTalk Wholesale.
;Tx Rate:Tx – Download rate. Rx – Upload rate.
;VLAN:Virtual Local Area Network.
;VoIP:Voice over Internet Protocol.
;WAN:Wide Area Network, an external connection to the rest of the world from your LAN.
=='''<big><big>DSL Related</big></big>'''==
==BT Fault Terms==
;KBD:Knowledge Based Diagnostics
;ADSL:Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line.
;KCI:Keep Customer Informed
;BRAS:Broadband Remote Access Server (Takes PPP from EU and passes it to ISP by [[L2TP]]).
;MFL:Main Fault Location
;CACPE:Customer ApparatusPremises Equipment (router or modem).
;DSL:Digital Subscriber Line. E.g. ADSL, FTTC/VDSL, Gfast.
;DSLAM:Digital Subscriber Line Access Modulator.
;DLM:Dynamic Line Management.
;FTTC:Fibre to the Cabinet. Fibre optic cables to the cabinet, and then copper to the premises.
;FTTP:Fibre to the Premises. Broadband running over fibre optic cables. The data is sent through light lasers. No copper pair is required. Fastest speed.
;G-Fast:Addition on the cabinet that gives faster speed. Higher frequencies.
;L2TP: A standard system called Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP) which allows you (using suitable software or equipment) to connect to us via another Internet access service.
;LTS:L2TP tunnel switch - the router on the wholesaler's network (eg TalkTalk) that forwards the LT2TP to the ISP. Also see; [https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/topic-map/l2tp-tunnel-switching-multiple-domains.html L2TP on Juniper's website].
;TAM:Test Access Module.
;VDSL:Very-high-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line .
;VP:Virtual Path - a link between an Exchange and the BRAS.
=='''<big><big>BT Fault Terms</big></big>'''==
See also BT's jargon buster at https://www.openreach.co.uk/orpg/home/products/serviceproducts/orderandfaulttracker/faulthandling/faulttrackerjargonbuster.do
;AI:Action Item.
;BBCR:BroadBand Customer Reporting (BT).
;BBEU:WBC EUA Service ID (Circuit ID).
;CA:Customer Apparatus.
;CDTA:Conscious Decision To Appoint - force booking an Openreach engineer.
;CP:Communications Provider.
;CRD:Customer Required by Date.
;DP:Distribution Point.
;ELF:Early Life Failure - A fault soon after an install.
;EU:End User.
;FaultReportAdvised C:The result after running a PSTN line test. Usually Y or N, but C means test Inconclusive/ Not Completed - Fault Report may be raised if CP believes there is a problem on BT network charges may be incurred if the fault is subsequently shown to be off BT network.
;FTR:Fault Threshold Rate - The speed at which the line is considered at fault.
;KBD:Knowledge Based Diagnostics.
;KCI:Keep Customer Informed. SMS or Email informing customers of any line discrepancies.
;MBORC:Matters Beyond Our Reasonable Control. Used by BT to indicate that they're suspending normal fix guarantees as some external event has made it impossible to achieve them (e.g. a fire, storms, terror attack).
;MFL:Main Fault Location.
;AI:Action Item
;MPF:Metallic Path Facility.
;WAC:Work Allocation Controls (team)
;NTE:Network Termination Equipment.
;NTE5:Network Termination Equipment, 5th version.
;PONR:Point of No Return - e.g. when an engineer is booked and cannot now be cancelled.
;PCP:Primary Cross-connect Point.
;PEW:Planned Engineering Works.
;POH:Point of Handover.
;RA:Rate Adaptive.
;RWT:Right When Tested.
;SIN:Supplier Information Note [BT].
;SMPF:Shared Metallic Path Facility.
;SP:Service Provider (e.g. AAISP).
;SSFP:Service Specific Front Plate.
;TPM:Tie Pair Modify - The cable from the MDF (main distribution frame) to the DSLAM port is replaced.
;TSO:Technology Service and Operations - a department within BT.
;WAC:Work Allocation Controls (team).
;WLR:Wholesale Line Rental.
=='''<big><big>BT Fault Locations</big></big>'''==
See also BT's jargon buster at https://www.openreach.co.uk/orpg/home/products/serviceproducts/orderandfaulttracker/faulthandling/faulttrackerjargonbuster.do
;CA:Fault located at Customer Apparatus.
;CE:Fault located at Customer Equipment. Provides further breakdown of a CA fault.
;DT:Diagnostic Test required to establish fault.
;EX:Fault located in Exchange.
;FU:Fault Located at Frames Unit. Provides further breakdown of an EX fault.
;LN:Fault Located in Local Network.
=='''<big><big>Openreach PSTN Fault Types</big></big>'''==
Terms used to describe a fault type on a PSTN phone line. When reporting a PSTN fault to Openreach one of these terms is used to describe the fault.
;BNR:Bell Not Ringing.
;BR:Bell Ringing continuous.
;CCS:Call Minder Problems.
;CDT:Continuous Dial Tone.
;CO:Cuts Off.
;DRO:Damage to aerial cables.
;DRU:Damage outside end user premises.
;DRW:Damage at the end users site.
;DRA:Damage Report Apparatus.
;ESF:Exchange Service Facility.
;FNT:Faint Transmission.
;MOD:No other equipment, retried.
;NDT:No Dial Tone.
;NR:Dial tone no answer.
;NT:No Tone.
;NU:Number not Obtainable.
;OWT:One Way Transmission.
;PET:Permanently engaged tone.
;RTP:Ring Trip.
;UTR:Unable to trip ringing.
;WNO:Wrong Numbers Obtained.
;XL:Crossed lines.
=='''<big><big>Email Related</big></big>'''==
;IMAP:Internet Message Access Protocol.
;POP3:Post Office Protocol, Version 3.
;SMTP:Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
;IRC:Internet Relay Chat - an online chat room, AAISP have one, see the contact page. You can talk to staff and customers.
==Services Related==
;TCH:Telecity Hex - a datacentre in London run by Equinix AKA HEX, LD8, LOH - A&A have racks there.
;BT:British Telecom
;THN:Telehouse North - a datacentre in London - A&A have racks there.
;BTW:BT Wholesale
;TTW:TalkTalk Wholesale
;DNS:Domain Name System/Server
;VoIP:Voice over Internet Protocol
;DS:Delegation signer (The record used to identify the DNSSEC signing key of a delegated zone)
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