Category:FTTC Faults: Difference between revisions

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{{AAMenu|img=menu-snail.svg|link=Slow FTTC|title=Slow FTTC|text=Is it taking a long time to load web pages, or download files? Do you have packetloss? Do you think your line should be faster than what it should be?}}
{{AAMenu|img=Menu-updown.svg|link=:Category:Dropping FTTC|title=Dropping FTTC|text=Is your connection going up and down? (Stopping and then starting). We like stable connections, so lets get to the bottom of this!}}
{{AAMenu|img=Menu-stop.svg|link=:Category:FTTC Down|title=Completely Offline|text=If your FTTC line is down permanently (as apposedopposed to going up and down) then look here for help
{{AAMenu|img=Menu-notebook.svg|link=FTTC Checks|title=General FTTC Checks|text=These are the basic checks that Support tend to ask customers when there is a potential fault.}}