Email Aliases: Difference between revisions

(Document the way wildcard aliases are (mis)handled)
(Document how wildcard aliases work - I think I've got it right now)
You can set an alias where the left hand side of the 'Email to' is empty. This will show in the alias list as something like:
But the instructions on the web page are wronga (Novlittle 2023)misleading - this 'isn't'is indeed a catch all to 'match any addresses for which there is not another alias' -(even itif there is a catchmailbox allthat formatches)' every- possiblebut address.the alias Infile thisis exampleprocessed anyrepeatedly otheruntil aliasesthere willare beno ignoredmore aliases, ''all''and mailyou willcan befind sentmost onlymail gets send to the catch all address. You need aliases for the delivery mailboxes - entering the mailbox address in the domain in the 'Email to' with an empty 'Send to', so you get something like:
and this will terminate the alias processing and delivery to that mailbox will happen.
If you're not careful on the web interface, you can end up pressing 'OK' where all the fields are empty. This gives an entry in the alias list something like: