FireBrick VoIP: Difference between revisions

The FireBrick platform is currently in trial on the AAISP network, these settings are useful for people on the trial only at the moment. Please contact Support.
The FireBrick has SIP capabilities and can be set up as a basic back-to-back SIP endpoint for a home office and provide a set of PBX features itself, or can be combined additional RADIUS and SIP software to create a much more powerful SIP platform that can be used by VoIP providers.
AAISP use FireBrick as their SIP Platform as a 'hosted' VoIP solution where by customers have phones which use the service and the features are provided by AAISP.
SIP is supported across the FireBrick range with the 2500 and 2700 models ideal for Office use and for small VoIP providers, and the 6000 models being used by larger VoIP Providers.