IPv6 Routers: Difference between revisions

Disabling the firewall also allows access to the routers' internal services from the WAN-side, although there seems to be some default logic disallowing these to function e.g. "User 'Administrator' is disallowed to login from wan to telnet" etc.
===Problems connection to PPTP Servers===
One customer has reported problems connecting to PPTP VPN servers in either direction through a tg582n with the firmware.
Technicolor have stated that this may be due to the Application Layer Gateway system intercepting PPTP packets even when the firewall is disabled and is a deliberate feature, but that the feature can be disabled by entering the following commands in the CLI:
connection applist
connection unbind application PPTP port 1723
However the same customer has reported that this solution has not actually fixed the problem and that the PPTP entry is still visible when running the "connection applist" command even after the unbind command has been successfully run.
(At present it appears no other customer has reported the problem so it may be an issue specific to this one user)