New Authoritive DNS: Difference between revisions

# '''Secondary Automation''' <br>Historically we have supported this configuration automatically where the master is a customer's A&A IP address. This hasn't always been successful and has required staff intervention in some cases. <br>This automation will change: <br>
#* Automation will be disabled on a set date: '''June 17th 2024'''
#* After June 17th, customers needing us to make a change to how we slave from their master will need to email in to
#* A new user interface will be created on the Control Pages to allow managing of Domains and their Master IP addresses, but this will not be live until we are fully moved over to the new PowerDNS servers which is likely to be during September 2024
#'''IP addresses'''
#*The IP address we use for our servers will change<br>This may need customers to update their firewall or ACL configuration to allow our additional IP addresses - these IPs will be announced nearer the time in s separate status post.