999 and faults
When making use of VoIP (Voice over IP), careful consideration needs to me made as to how you would make a call to the emergency services if the VoIP service is not working.
What could stop VoIP from working?
The following are scenarios that could make your VoIP number from A&A not work:
- Power cut in the local area - your internet connection and devices would lose power and not function
- Fault with internet connection - could be caused by any number of reasons, an internet connection is dependant on a large number of things working, which could break and take some time to get fixed
- A fault with your equipment - eg a router or telephone stops working for some reason
- Fault with the ISP or the VoIP provider - Faults can happen.
...For a local power cut
In the past, a standard landline phone could be used to make calls as it would be powered from the exchange and still work if your premises had a power cut. With VoIP this is not the case.
We'd suggest the following as methods to make emergency calls during a power cut to you premises:
- Use a mobile phone - ensure you have a mobile or two charged up and with a working service.
- Have a UPS (Uninterruptible Power supply) which can power your internet equipment - router, phone, etc so that you have backup power to devices that will enable to you make calls. Test that this works!