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Category:Incoming L2TP: Difference between revisions

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{{AAMenu|img=Menu-Linux.svg|link=L2TP_Client:_Linux|title=L2TP from Linux|text=Creating a L2TP connection from Linux/Ubuntu/Network Manager to AAISP using xl2tpd}}
{{AAMenu|img=Menu-Linux.svg|link=Router:Linux_-_Debian_-_With_L2TP_Fallback|title=L2TP Failover with Debian|text=Creating a L2TP fallback for AAISP using xl2tpd}}
{{AAMenu|img=Menu-router.svg|link=L2TP_Client:_OpenBSD|title=L2TP from LinuxOpenBSD|text=Creating a L2TP connection from OpenBSD to AAISP using xl2tpd}}
{{AAMenu|img=Menu-Routerboard.svg|link=L2TP_Client:_Routerboard|title=L2TP from Routerboard|text=Creating a L2TP connection from Routerboard to AAISP}}
{{AAMenu|img=Menu-OpenWRT.svg|link=L2TP_Client:_OpenWRT|title=L2TP from OpenWRT|text=Creating a L2TP connection from OpenWRT to AAISP}}
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