Sending Email Errors

From AAISP Support Site
Revision as of 14:06, 20 December 2013 by AA-Andrew (talk | contribs) (→‎CA1)



Our email servers may direct you to this page for more information regarding an error. Please see below for the message that matches the error you have.

Error Codes


Possible Compromised Account?

This suggests that you are sending email through with authentication. This is usually fine, but we have detected that the account may be compromised and a third party may be using your account to send lots of junk email. Please contact support for more details, we would request you to change your email password before we unblock the account. We have detected this by the amount of invalid email addresses that the account is sending email to. Feature added December 2013.

Sending to a Mailing list?

It may be that the account has been blocked as you have a mailing list that you send email to that has many invalid email addresses. When you send email to invalid addresses you would get a bounce back message. It is normal practice to then remove these invalid email addresses from your databases.

Help with Email Clients:

<ncl style=bullet maxdepth=5 headings=bullet headstart=2 showcats=1 showarts=1>Category:Email Clients</ncl>

Help with Other Email Features:

<ncl style=bullet maxdepth=5 headings=bullet headstart=2 showcats=1 showarts=1>Category:Email Features</ncl>