Category:IPv6: Difference between revisions

m (Explain that new IPv6 blocks will have to be accepted by any firewall, and then routed locally)
(Prefix Delegation doesn't *always* return a /64 - it could be a /60 or the /48)
This is how we route and assign IPv6 on DSL connections.
Customers are allocated a /48 block of addresses - this is usually per customer, and so a customer with multiple circuits or sites will have at least a /64 allocated from the larger /48 block. A /48 contains 65536 /64's and a /64 subnet is 18 million trillion addresses.
(Here, CPE refers to the router belonging to the customer which is being used at their end of the broadband line.)
2001:8b0:1111:1111:0:ffff:[your IPv4 WAN in HEX]
At this point we will also be routing any IPv6 blocks to this WAN address. Usually a line will have at least one /64 block - customers can request, via the control panel, extra /64 blocks, and/or extra /60 blocks, or to route the whole /48 block.
We also respond to DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation (PD) from the CPE and we'll tell the CPE onethe oflowest thenumerically /64numbered Blocksblock. -this may be requested multiple times by the CPE in which case the next highest block will be sent.
The CPE will also assign itself a [ Link Local] address in the form of FE80::, and will be based on the MAC address of the interface.
The new block will be routed to your router (once your router has reconnected to AAISP), you will then have to allow the new block through any firewall you have, and then route the new block appropriately on your local network.
Using a single /60 block rather than multiple /64 blocks can help when using routers which use Policy Based Routing, e.g. OpenWrt.