Category:Webhosting: Difference between revisions

==Lets Encrypt==
===https by default===
By default, we will generate SSL certificates for domains we host - this will use Let's Encrypt and your website will be available over httpsHTTPS.
When a new domain (or DNS record) is pointed at our web server a new certificate will need to be generated,. thisThis should happen within an hour or two, but can take longer if we happen to have a large queue of certificates to request at the time.
If a domain's certificate is not correct after 24 hours then do get in touch with Support. However, a browser may be caching a SSL cert error message, so do clear cache or try a new browser etc, just to be sure.
Please note that we automatically generate certificates to a single subdomain depth only. For example, we would generate certs for and, but not Support can work around this limitation on request, so please let us know if you need this.
===Redirect http to https===