FireBrick 2700 Configuration: Difference between revisions

m (send-pre-auth defaults work fine)
m (Subnet linked to profile to auto change MTU when switching to dongle and back to DSL)
Interface - LAN interface, with DHCP for IPv4 addresses and RA for IPv6 addresses, assumes PPP session is 1500 MTU, if PPP session is 1492 MTU then change 1472 to 1464 in second ra-mtu= element:
<interface name="LAN" port="LAN" ra-client="false">
<subnet ip="2001:8b0:119c:acf2::1/64" ra="true" ra-mtu="14801412" ra-dns="2001:8b0::2020 2001:8b0::2021" profile="DSL-Down"/>
<subnet ip="2001:8b0:119c:acf2::1/64" ra="true" ra-mtu="1472" ra-dns="2001:8b0::2020 2001:8b0::2021" profile="DSL-Up"/>
<dhcp name="DHCP" ip="" lease="1:00:00"/>