FireBrick 2700 with 4G ZTE MF823: Difference between revisions

*Ethernet mode seems slightly faster than in download/debug (modem) mode. 16.77Mb/s compared to 12.77Mb/s - from our office.
==Switching back to Ethernet mode==
==What mode is it in?==
On a linux system, if you run <syntaxhighlight inlinett>lsusb</syntaxhighlighttt> you'll see something like:
Bus 002 Device 030: ID 19d2:0016 ZTE WCDMA Technologies MSM
The <syntaxhighlight inlinett>0016</syntaxhighlighttt> is the mode:
*1225 – Default Mode. Available USB Mass Storage Device with CD-ROM and card reader. Corresponds to AT+ZCDRUN=9+AT+ZCDRUN=F
*1403 – Operating Mode. Available RNDIS adapter and Mass Storage Device. Corresponds to AT+ZCDRUN=8+AT+ZCDRUN=F