FireBrick Call Recording: Difference between revisions

''./voip-answer -d /voipuser/voip-answer/sounds/''
== Triggering the announcement / playback files==
==You Triggersend traffic to the announcement / playback files== by configuring a new extension on the FireBrick, and giving it a SIP URI containing the relevant parameters.
The parameters you can choose from are:
Reference in SIP URI in FireBrick config (e.g. recording-name@hostname/address)
=== Prefixes (in this order) ===
XXX= This call is not to be answered, but call progress. XXX is final status
= This call is not to be answered, but call progress. End with constant ringing
- Add a ring, may be repeated
! Add a SIT, may be repeated
N* The playback sequence is to be repeated N times
=== Filenames ===
Following the prefix are dot separated filenames, assumed to be wav files, to play.
A filename can have a ? after it followed by another filename. This skips the second file if the first exists.
Each dot is also a small time delay, so several dots can be used for a pause.
=== Suffixes, one applies ===
=filename Record to file
* Silence
# Refer to #
So if you wanted two rings, followed by playback of a file called "on-holiday.wav", sending a 200 SIP status message back, you would specify the following SIP URI: