FireBrick Updates
Software updates for the FireBrick are free, they are available from: [1] - Click your product on the left (eg 2700) and then 'Software Updates' on the right.
Auto Updates
The 2x00 will by default update itself for new factory releases. !!Settings: Auto updates is controlled in the <system... /> settings. The default (ie, with no sw-update value set, is to update to the latest factory software. Other settings are:
- false Do no auto load
- factory Load factory releases
- beta Load beta test releases
- alpha Load test releases
Disable auto-updates
<system name="My FireBrick" contact="Bob" sw-update="false" comment="Disabling auto updates"/>
Enable Beta software updates overnight only
updating the software will reboot the FireBrick, and will mean a short amount of down time. A FireBrick reboots in less than 1 second, but then may take a few more seconds to bring up PPPoE. You can set a time profile, in which updates will only be applied, for example:
<system name="My FireBrick" contact="Bob" sw-update="beta" sw-update-profile="updates"/>
<profile name="updates" comment="Profile for updates overnight only">
<time start="01:00:00" stop="05:00:00"/>
This will only update software (level beta) between 1am and 5am on any day.