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The FB6000 [[L2TP]] router provides us with Continuous Quality Monitoring (CQM). This allows us to track the quality of each and every connection in great detail. The router itself produces the graphs in real time, and can also provide csv files with accurate data for each graph.
The FireBrick 6000 routers we use provide us with Continuous Quality Monitoring of every broadband circuit. This allows us to track the quality of each and every connection in great detail. The router itself produces the graphs in real time, and can also provide csv files with accurate data for each graph.
Customers and Staff can view these graphs in near real time (updated every 100 seconds), and can view historical graphs.
Customers and staff can view these graphs in near real time (updated every 100 seconds), and can view historical graphs.
{{CPbox|#Click on the line you want to view
#Clicking on the graph again will show 7 days worth of graphs with options there to view 30 and 60 days}}
==How does it work?==
Our router sends an LCP echo (a bit like a ping) every second while a line is active. Your router replies. We track how long it takes for each reply to arrive, and how many are lost. These results are collated into 100 second samples and shown as a graph like the one on this page. The graph shows us lots of information about the line, and gives a history covering the last 24 hours.
==What information is on the graph?==
[[File:Cqm-screen-shot-notes.png|none|frame1200px|CQM Graphs]]
Each column (pixel) represents 100 seconds of samples. The hour of day is shown at the bottom, and the day and date shown next to midnight in the graph. There is additional text superimposed on the graph such as a circuit ID. There are 8 pieces of data shown for each 100 second sample as follows:-
[[File:Cqm-key.png|right|frame|Graph Key]]
===A note on Tx/Rx download/upload===
[[File:Cqm-key.png|right|frame|Graph Key]]
As stated in the image above, the dark red is customer uploading, and the darker green is customer downloading. The key on the right does label these as Red=rx Green=tx. As the graph is created at the AAISP side, the Tx/Rx is the view from AAISP, i.e. Rx is what AAISP has received from the customer.
The colours may vary and we even allow users to configure colours individually (useful for people with colour blindness, etc.). It is also possible for us to show graphs with only some of the fields which can make some information clearer (see [[#CQM Graph options]]).
As stated in the image above, the dark red is customer uploading, and the darker green is customer downloading. The key on th right does label these as Red=rx Green=tx. As the graph is created at the AAISP side, the Tx/Rx is in relation to AAISP, ie, Red is Rx, what AAISP has received from the customer.
The colours may vary and we even allow users to configure colours individually (useful for people with colour blindness, etc). It is also possible for us to show graphs with only some of the fields which can make some information clearer.
Customers (and staff)Staff are able to add 'Pinspins' to graphs. This is a useful forway customersof to addadding notes thatto staffparticular see,times for example you can addon a pingraph. sayingWe 'Pluggedused routerto intolet thecustomers testadd socket'.their Theown notepins, willbut bethis shownfeature whenhas youbeen hoverremoved your mouse overfor the pintime being.
[[File:Clueless-adding-pin.png|none|frame|Adding a pin to a graph]]
Pins are added on the Usage page. Simply click on the graph where you'd like to add a pin and enter in the details.
=ICMP Graphs=
Optionally, Staffstaff can enable ICMP ping graphs,. theseThese will graph a normal ping to the customer WAN IP address. TheseThey tend to have a salmon colourcoloured background:
[[File:Cqm-icmp.png|none|frame|An graph created from ICMP Pings to a WAN address]]
Customers may need to set their firewall to allow pings from us; currently we ping from
Sometimes a normal CQM graph may have a salmon background - this would usually be when the line is logged in to our test LNS.
[[File:CQM1.png|none|frame|Lots of upload at the end of the day]]
(Not an ADSL Faultfault.) The example above showshows a line with occasional short uploads causing spikes in peak latency, and then a sustained upload starting at around 6pm and causing high latency (a queue in the router). At 8pm there was more upload filling the link causing higher latency still and some loss (normal when the link is full). This is normal. Also see: [[Packet Loss]]
Here is another, an FTTC line filling the up link whilst doing a backup (10 Mbit/s)
[[File:CQM-FTTC-upload.png|none|frame|Lots of upload in the morning - a backup without any traffic shaping on the client end]]
This line is doing a large backup from just before 6am. The dark red horizontal line shows the traffic, during this time there is lots of packet loss (red) and the light blue at the bottom is showing high latency. So, whilst the backup is happening the line has about 50% packet loss and around 300 ms of latency. Using the line for things like web browsing at this time will be slow and sluggish. However, this is not a fault per-se. It is normal for a line to appear slow when it's being filled with traffic. However, this traffic may be unknown, it may not be a backup, but could be a virus or peer-to-peer traffic. You can do a [[Traffic Capture]] to see what the traffic is, or ask Support to Help.
===Congestion within BT===
This is down to congestion within the BT core network, this could be at the Exchange, BRAS, or the VP. It would be seen on multiple lines.
===Congestion within TT===
BT are not alone in suffering from congestion. This graph show congestion affecting TT lines on an exchange. (BT lines on the same line were unaffected by this.)
===Lots of Drops===
This line does have a fault. It is dropping sync throughout the day. In this type of case, go through the usual checks, and AAISP will report a fault, which will probably need a BT SFI engineer to atend site.
===Only Dropping during the day===
(Probably not an ADSL Fault.) If a line is dropping during the day, and maybe just Monday to Friday, then it's probably not going to be an upstream problem. This could be caused by interference ofor bad wingwiring on site. Check things like the phone line and extensions. Put the router ininto the master socket and to unplug all other phones. Maybe change filter.
===HeavyInterleaving Packetlossbeing applied===
[[File:Interleaving.png|none|frame|This line dropped shortly after 11am, and reconnected with higher latency. This could be interleaving being applied]]
For more info see: [[Interleaving]]
===Heavy packet loss===
Also see [[Packet Loss]]
[[File:CQM-heavyloss.png|none|frame|This is showing more than 50% packet loss with no usage. A problem!]]
[[File:Cqm-packetloss-contactfault.png|none|frame|This line has loss due to a Batterybattery Contactcontact Faultfault. A copper line test suggestsuggests that this should be reported to Openreach as a fault.]]
[[File:Cqm-VPcongestionOrfault.png|none|frame|Packet loss when a downloading but not filling the line]]
This is a rather strange one. There is packet loss when downloading, however the download is not filling the link, but there is still loss. This is unusual. This turned out to be congestion on the virtual path within BT, or it may have been misconfigured. It took our escalation staff three months to convince BT that the fault was within their network.
===Phone line half connected - DIS in one leg===
[[File:CQM-FTTC-DIS-in-one-leg.png|none|frame|FTTC running on just a single leg/wire]]
Here we have a perfectly good FTTC, running at 80M. However, in the evening the line goes rather crazy! Here is what happened:
*18:20 The end user was doing some tidying up of wiring and accidental disconnected one of the wires that make up the pair used for the phone line
**The line dropped a few times and reconnected, but the sync speed dropped to from 20 Mbps up and 80 Mbps down to 600 kbps up and 23 kbps down!
*The line continued working for a short while, up until:
*19:20 where a backup job was started which started uploading data
**As the sync speed was so low, the backup filled the link and high latency (blue) ensued.
**At this point, the end user noticed something was not right.
*Looking at the times on the graph gave a clue to the end user what had happened. They had accidentally disconnected one of the wires of the phone line and surprisingly the FTTC was actually still in sync, logged in and passing traffic - just at low speeds.
*20:00 The wiring was repaired and the FTTC came back in to sync at the usual high rates.
===Faulty Switch on the LAN===
(Not an ADSL Fault.) This latency and loss was caused by a fault Netgear switch on the LAN side of a Vigor router! The switch had failed to the point where it wouldn't talk gigabit but would talk 100M unreliably. Guess it was maxing router CPU perhaps. It's unknown how this affected the Vigor, but perhaps the switch was faulty enough to upset the Vigor causing it to delaying or not replying to the LCP echos. In this case unplugging the LAN side of the router would show a normal looking graph, indicating the fault is somehow caused by something on the LAN.
===Line dropped and speed changed===
[[File:CQM-speed-change.png|none|frame|line dropped and came back slower and with higher latency]]
This FTTC line dropped at 01:50, and came back within a minute or two, however, the speed has dropped (horizontal black line at the top) and also the latency (blue at bottom) has increased. There could be a fault here, but in this case we can clearly see that something has happened.
===Affect of adjusting the 'rate' setting===
[[File:Cqm-ratedrop.png|none|frame|Example of changing the line rate from 100%-95% reduced average latency when filling the link when downloading]]
===Running a speed test every 15 minutes===
[[File:Cqm-speedtest15mins.png|none|frame|Running an automated speed test every 15 minutes - not a fault, but the test fills the link and causes loss so will be service affecting]]
==Other Examples==
|Going off line is shown in purple, and this is often associated with packet loss (red). Where a line has occasional drops they are shown as purple lines. However, in some case a line can deteriorate over a period of time, staying on line less and less until solid purple (off line). On the live graphs a line that is currently off line has a red square in the bottom right corner where as a line that is on-line has a green square.
|Purple on the graph is off line, and this can be short blips if a line loses sync or longer. Notes (pins) are often added to graphs to explain why a line is off line if we know, especially when we are investigating a fault. The notes on this graph told when the BT engineer arrived and left.
|'''Regular drops repeating every day''' ege.g. Central Heating causing drops. [http://wiki.aa.org.uk/File:Cqm-heating.png View a week of these graphs] Here there is interference as the central heating goes on, the drops are regular - twice a day, at the time the heating goes on. This actually highlighted a fault in the central heating for this customer as the graphs showed no drops for 2 days running!
===Regular evening drops===
Historical graphs are kept which makes it easy to see patterns is line problems. Here we can clearly see that the line is being affected by something causing it to drop in the evenings. This could be something local causing interference and is less likely to be a PSTN problem. This could be something electrical being used in the evenings, such as putting the dishwasher on after dinner. Knowing that a line drops regularly at a specific time will help diagnose the source of the problem for example, checking what electrical devices are used in the evening.
[[File:CQM-evening-drops.png|none|200px|Evening Drops]]
===Faulty Card in a TalkTalk LTS===
[[File:Cqm-faulty-lts-card.png|none|800px|Card in a TalkTalk LTS ]]
Here we have three days of graphs, you can see packet loss starting at around 2:50AM, which then gets worse two days later and is then fixed.
This was a faulty line card in a TalkTalk LTS - Only a small number of circuits were affected with packetloss due to this though.
The time ties in with logs from TalkTalk's LTS:
8 alarms currently active
Alarm time Class Description
2023-06-29 02:57:46 BST Minor FPC 9 Minor Errors
2023-06-29 02:52:29 BST Minor FPC 1 Minor Errors
2023-06-29 02:52:25 BST Minor FPC 10 Minor Errors
2023-06-29 02:52:23 BST Minor FPC 8 Minor Errors
2023-06-29 02:52:22 BST Minor FPC 11 Minor Errors
2023-06-29 02:52:22 BST Minor FPC 0 Minor Errors
2023-06-29 02:52:22 BST Minor FPC 3 Minor Errors
2023-06-29 02:52:02 BST Major FPC 10 Major Errors
From 9AM on day 3, the interface that we have with TalkTalk started reporting input discards.
[[File:Discards.jpg|none|400px|Interface discards ]]
The faulty line card was taken out of service, and the packet loss was no longer.
The incident was: https://aastatus.net/42546
=Other Information=
===I pay for usage - what is this monitoring costing me?===
The usage based tariffs are metered based on IP traffic. They do not include LCP traffic at all, so these LCP echos are not costing you anything. They do use some of your bandwidth. One ATM cell (53 bytes) is sent each second. On an 8M line this is 0.005% of your downlink bandwidth. Even with limited uplink such as 250Kb250kbit/s, only a tiny fraction of a percent of the bandwidth is used for the monitoring.
===I have a firewall - will this stop the graphs working?===
===Can you really ping every line every second?===
The FireBrick FB6000 platform is designed to send and accurately time each LCP packet even when fully loaded. So, yes we can.
=CQM Graph options=
The control pages have a number of options to allow the graphs shown to be refined. These are shown simply as 8 input boxes. If all input boxes are empty then the standard graph is showshown for lines. The standard graph shows 8 traces. You can however input control strings in to these to define up to 8 separate graphs to be displayed instead. This can be particularly useful if you are colour blind, for example. It also allows simplification of graphs which may be rather cluttered, e.g. separating usage from latency in to separate graphs.
The checkbox to the left of the 8 input boxes controls whether the hours of daylight are shown on the graph.
==Colour controls==
For example, if you simply complete the first box as 'max' then you will only get one graph, and it will only have the '''M'''in, '''A'''ve and Ma'''x''' latency shown. If you complete the second box as 'sfo', then there will be two graphs shown, the second containing only '''S'''ent, '''F'''ail and '''O'''ff-line. If you complete the third box as 'du', then there will be three graphs shown - between them displaying all of the 8 traces which are shown together on the standard graph (the third graph showing '''D'''ownload and '''U'''pload rates).
To change the colours you include (rrggbb) format colour hex codes after the letter, so if you set a box as m(000000) then that graph will show only the Min latency and show it in solid black.
[[Category:ControlDiagnostic PagesTools]]
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