Playing shoot-them-ups and streaming to Twitch or playing poker with the world's elite, and whether playing for fun or as a professional; gamers require a certain type of internet connection, they know it and we know it.
The A&A broadband and Ethernet services offer a lot to gamers. These pages will explain the benefits of the A&A network as well as the feature and tweaks that are available to all customers.
Line Quality Graphs
Our graphs provide a wealth of information to show the quality of your line(s), including loss and latency
Lag & Priority
Lag is bad, find out how our network aims to be lag free and how traffic is prioritised
Information about features of our broadband packages such as fixed IPs, bonded and backup lines that are ideal for gamers
Peering & Transit
How we link to the rest of the Internet's servers and networks
Line Settings
Most of our lines have tweaks that can be applied to them, we also have various other settings such as notification etc
Pages in category 'Gamers'
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.