A domain name, such as, is registered with a registry. We deal with several registries, such as Nominet (for domains ending .uk). In general, within certain rules, any domain that does not yet exist can be registered. However the domains have to be part of a parent domain. So a domain ending is handled by Nominet and you can have anything you like followed by that nobody else has. The domain you get would have letters, numbers and maybe a hyphen. In most cases two letter domains are not allowed and there are a few other restrictions.
For help in choosing a domain, see our KB article: Choosing a UK domain.
We can register various kinds of domain names, the most common ones end with .uk, .com, .org, .net. Do contact Sales if you're interested in registering other kinds of domain. (Broadband customers can have a .uk domain for free)
To register a domain please contact our sales department
When you register a .uk domain you are entering in to a contract with the registrar (Nominet) and we act as your agent in dealing with Nominet. The domain is registered in your name, not ours.
Other Domain Services:
We have two other services associated with domains: <ncl style=bullet maxdepth=1 headings=bullet headstart=2 showcats=1 showarts=0>Category:Domains</ncl>
Pages in category 'Registration'
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