Category:VoIP Features
Our VoIP service has many features, not all are obvious at first, so do let us know if you have any questions! Nearly all features are available by default for no extra cost. Below are pages with help with using our control pages to set up your phones to work how you like, ring groups, recording, voicemail etc...
How to
Example configurations using our VoIP services
Voicemail, IVR & Recording
Our voicemail system supports various options from simple voicemail to announcements to Menu's (press 1 for x, 2 for y) and more. Find out more
Transferring & Redirecting
Information on transferring calls between handsets and redirecting calls elsewhere
Caller Display
Information about showing the caller's number/name etc on incoming calls
Ring Groups
Information on setting a number to ring more than one phone (AKA Also Ring or Forking)
Time Profiles
Time profiles can be used to control when sets of phones ring or go to voicemail etc
SIP Trunks
SIP trunks are supported by default, more details on this page
Logs and Call Records
Information on Call records and the logging available
Firewall and Security
Information on securing your VoIP device and details on our recommended firewall settings
Special Codes & Numbers
There are a number of special codes and numbers that can be called from an A&A SIP account.
Other Technical Information
More information about our VoIP system
Location Information
You should configure your location on the control pages for emergency services
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category 'VoIP Features'
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- VoIP - Allow list
- VoIP - Anonymous Call Reject
- VoIP - BTPhoneBook
- VoIP - Calling With a SIP URI
- VoIP - CDRs
- VoIP - Conference Calls
- VoIP - Delayed Ring
- VoIP - Itemised Billing
- VoIP - Local Extension Dialing
- VoIP - Location Information
- VoIP - Multple Targets
- VoIP - Recording Calls
- VoIP - Special Codes
- VoIP - Syslog
- VoIP - Technical Information
- VoIP - Time Profiles
- VoIP - Timezone
- VoIP Call Rate Limits
- VoIP Caller ID
- VoIP Power
- VoIP SIP Trunks